Green Party The Green party has pledged to: Repeal anti-union legislation and introduce a positive…

Finally, some positive news for staff in the hospitality sector… ?
PLEASE NOTE: Information in this article is correct at the time of publication, please contact DFA Law for current advice on older articles.
By Michael Nadin – Associate Solicitor
The government has confirmed that it intends to bring laws into force that ensure all tips left for workers are retained in full by the workers.
The new law is anticipated to include the following requirements for employers:
- Not to make any deductions from tips received by their staff, including administration charges, other than those required by tax law;
- To distribute tips in a way that is fair and transparent, with a written policy on tips, and a record of how tips have been dealt with.
- To allow workers to make a request for information relating to an employer’s tipping record;
- To have regard to a statutory Code of Practice on Tipping.
There is currently no date set for when the new legislation will be enacted, but it is expected that workers will be able to enforce these rights in the Employment Tribunals when the proposals become law.
If you have any questions in relation to this article, or another area of employment law please contact Michael Nadin on 01604 609560 or by email here